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Tag Archives :driver

Compatible with SV405CC INDI driver---Machinaka astrophotography

Sv405cc is compatible with the INDI CCD driver used in Stellar Mate.  ...

Read more  sv405cc camera,  SV405CC INDI driver

ASCOM driver for SVBONY Camera--Q & A

this blog will answer some question about ASCOM and ASCOM driver, by a test we find SV305 and SV305pro compatible with Firecapture and APT.  ...

Read more  ASCOM,  ASCOM driver,  Firecapture,  APT,  SV305,  SV305pro

Where Could Download the SV305 Driver

Where could I download the driver and software for SV305 camera? come and read this blog.  ...

Read more  SV305 Camera,  SV305 Driver,  Astronomy Camera SV305

How to solve the red rain page on the astronomical camera?

Solve the problem that the picture appears red rain page due to the low version, update our latest software driver, can solve the problem of sv405cc  ...

Read more  camera,  astronomy camera,  driver

Update Directshow Dirver for SV305 Camera

Install the Directshow Driver to your Windows computer, then SV305 camera could work with other directshow capture software.  ...

Read more  SV305 Camera Directshow driver,  SV305 Directshow Driver,  Directshow Camera

How to replace the latest version of SDK?

When using SVBONY astronomical camera, the SDK version is old, and there may be problems when using it. Recently, many customers have asked how to replace the latest SDK files. Today, I will briefly explain how to update the SDK.  ...

Read more  Astronomy Cameras,  SoftWare-Driver,  Support

Update How to Run SV405CC Camera in Current NINA

After the continuous improvement of our engineers, the NINA system has also been upgraded and improved. I hope the above steps can help you complete the update  ...

Read more  Astronomy Cameras,  SoftWare-Driver,  Support