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Category Archives :Review

The SV503 ED 102/714 - my first ED refractor!

Thank God I tried the SV503 102 ED. I am very pleased with the performance! Both for stars, moon, star clusters and deep sky objects the telescope performed quite excellently. It meets all my requirements.  ...

Read more  SV503 102ED,  review,  SV503

My SV503 70mm F6 experience

In a Bortle 6 area,  I wanted a light and easy setup, seeking for darker skies......  ...

Read more  review,  SV503

Night sky above Australia

The story of Svbony and Australia is unfolding.  ...

Read more  Svbony,  Australia,  Astronomy,  nightsky,  stars

Interview with users of SV503 telescope 3 -Harald Becher “ interest = work”

Today we invite Harald Becher to do this week's SV503 interview. When the interest becomes your work, everything is getting full of fun......  ...

Read more  review,  SV503,  SV50380ED,  interview

The Mid-Autumn Festival (Mooncake Festival): Introductions and the festival gift for our fans

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and we prepare you the discount coupon you make order on our website. Does the moon the biggest on this day? How do people celebrate the festival? Please click the blog to learn more.....  ...

Read more  moon,  traditional festival