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July 19-Jupiter conjunct moon

July 19-Jupiter conjunct moon

July 19-Jupiter conjunct moon

"Looking up at the night sky in the southeast, the distance between two celestial bodies would be the width of a few pinkies.
Their proximity is best appreciated through the eyes or binoculars. The Moon and Jupiter will appear in the same field of view in a pair of low-power binoculars; however, due to planetary activity, when the gas giant is partially obscured by the moon's edge, it may be best to bring a large telescope to see Get the best view in your observation session. If you plan on doing some wide-angle astrophotography, any DSLR with a wide-angle lens (14-35mm) will do.
Longer focal length lenses can still be used - pan the view to create a panorama and capture the planets on either side of the conjunction. "