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Daily Archives:March 20,2020

2020 New SV154 70 Degree Eyepieces

2020 New SWA eyepiece Svbony SV154 70 degree eyepieces for your astronomy telescope.  ...

Read more  SV154 Eyepiece,  70 degree eyepiece,  SWA eyepiece

Difference Between APO & Achromatic Lens Under Diffraction Ring

Test the APO and Achromatic, make sure the difference under diffraction ring, SV305 doublet is quality achromatic lens with SPL-51 ED glass.  ...

Read more  SV503 Doublet,  APO,  SPL-51,  Achromatic Lens

Home Activities During the Current CoronaVirus Crisis

How to spend the time during current coronacirus crisis, highly recommend the astronomy observation with Svbony SV503 and SV25 telescopes.  ...

Read more  SV503 Telescope,  SV25 Refractor,  CoronaVirus,  Covid-19