Summer Sale! Exclusive discounts, buy now!
Discover the exceptional performance of the SV225 by checking out the video link (@BogdanDamian) :
Notice: Since the SV550 80 APO is designed with f/6 focus ratio. When reducing the focus further, the image quality will not be guaranteed. This is why we produce 1.0x flat field instead of 0.8x.
Svbony M42 T adapter can connect with W1077A and W2054A camera adapters (sold separately) to connect your 1.25'' telescope to your Nikon and Canon cameras.
Aluminum Bahtinov Focusing Mask perfect focusing for your CCD,DSLR or Webcam in seconds. Light weight so you wont upset the balance on your scope.
Note: As for SV503 102ed telescope, the suitable bahtinov mask is W2381AB (105-150mm)