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Tag Archives :SV305Pro

Q&A Part 2

I collect some questions from our customers. Maybe you have the same problems. So have a look. The problems in this blog are concerned with the SV138 diagonal, sv605 microscope, sv305pro.  ...

Read more  SV138 diagnal,  SV605 microscope,  SV305PRO

ASCOM driver for SVBONY Camera--Q & A

this blog will answer some question about ASCOM and ASCOM driver, by a test we find SV305 and SV305pro compatible with Firecapture and APT.  ...

Read more  ASCOM,  ASCOM driver,  Firecapture,  APT,  SV305,  SV305pro

The Difference Between Sv305 and Sv305 Pro Camera

The main difference between SV305 and SV305 Pro camera is speed.  ...

Read more  camera,  sv305,  sv305pro,  astronomical camera

How to use SV305 Cameras with KStars Ekos on Linux

If you simply want to record images or video streams with the SV305 cameras on Linux, AstroDMX does a great job. But if you need some advanced features, like Autofocus, Autoguiding, Plate solving, Planning, etc. the INDI/KStars/Ekos software stack is the way to go.  ...

Read more  SV305,  SV305 camera,  KStars,  EKos,  Linux,  INDI,  ASCOM,  SV305Pro

How to Use the SV305 Pro camera

How to use the svbony sv305 pro guiding camera? come and read this blog.  ...

Read more  SV305Pro camera,  sv305 pro camera,  guiding camera,  svbony guiding camera